Online Community Guidelines

Thank you for taking the time and effort to participate in one of our online communities. We value your comments, insights and anecdotes and hope to return the favor by providing interesting material.

In order to keep a civil atmosphere, we have laid out guidelines that will govern how our online communities are administered:

The internet is a public venue, and should be treated as such. We ask that you please not share any personal information, which may include, but is not limited to: accounting, claim or policy information. If you have a specific question in regards to these areas, please contact your independent agent or IMT directly at (800)274-3531.

The views/opinions of community members do not represent those of IMT Insurance, its employees, agents, officers or policyholders. They are the sole responsibility of the individual who posted them. By participating in our community you agree to hold IMT Insurance harmless from claims or demands that may arise from content you post. This may include reasonable attorney’s fees.

We believe being civil can go a long way in every facet of life. We ask you to please keep this in mind while participating in this community and refrain from posting any derogatory, obscene or abusive material. We hope this will allow differences in opinion to be handled in a mature manner.

Do not post material that could be considered spam, commercial messaging or that is held under copyright or trademark. Please do not post links to sites that may contain spam, malicious viruses or that are unrelated to the topics being discussed.

By posting in our online community, you agree to allow IMT Insurance to reproduce your comments for business purposes. Any information that could identify you specifically would first be removed.

IMT Insurance reserves the right to delete comments or other content and to block users for any reason, which may or may not include having violated the above guidelines. We reserve the right to limit, modify or close our online communities at anytime without notice.

If you have questions about these guidelines, or would like to make a suggestion or complaint, email us directly at