Protect Your Vehicle This Holiday Season

Protect Your Vehicle This Holiday Season

We are well immersed in the holiday shopping season! While the holidays bring tidings and joy, they also bring heightened opportunities for thieves. Below are some tips to help protect your vehicle and your packages this holiday season:

1. Don't leave packages unattended!

Loading up on all those gifts is a sign of progress in the holiday shopping, but if those packages are left out in the open once in the car, your car has become a likely target for thieves. Remember the old cliché "Out of sight, out of mind?" The same idea applies to items in your car!

2. Always lock your vehicle!

Unlocked cars are an easy target! Breaking into an empty car isn't worth a thief's time. However, anything left in plain view—from your holiday gifts to spare change, sunglasses, CDs, cell phones or briefcases—may tempt a thief.

3. Anti-Theft Devices!

Help prevent your vehicle from being stolen by always locking your car and using anti-theft devices. 

Following these tips can help make your holiday season merry and bright! Happy shopping! 

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